Innovative solutions for your contact center in the cloud


A flexible CCaaS that adapts to the post-pandemic period!

The COVID-19 crisis has affected the entire world and forced companies to accelerate their technological transformations. Contact centers were no exception and had to innovate to ensure optimal customer service, despite the many constraints associated with the pandemic.

Already underway before the crisis, the migration of contact centers to the cloud has accelerated and will continue to do so in the coming years.  This enthusiasm can be explained by the flexibility offered by Cloud solutions, their advanced technology and flexible pricing.

A cloud computing platform that allows your employees to work from anywhere.

The flexibility of cloud solutions allows companies to offer employees versatility in terms of their workplace, which is valuable in today’s environment. Indeed, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced more and more companies to move their employees from the office to their home.

The majority of workers appreciate this situation. Indeed, as a survey by ADP Canada, a firm specializing in human resources management, shows that nearly 6 out of 10 Quebecers (59%) would prefer to work remotely at least three days a week. The flexibility offered between teleworking and working at the office is therefore a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining contact center employees. In a context of labour shortages, it also makes it possible to hire agents no matter where they live in the world.

Agents only need a computer, internet access and a browser.

A CCaaS cloud computing solution allows employees to work from anywhere, from any computer with Internet access and a browser, which gives a lot of flexibility to the employer and the agents.

Easy to use solutions

The solutions offered by Oxilio provide intuitive interfaces that are easy to use and appreciated by employees. Our solutions are multi-channel, which makes agents’ work easier since all the company’s channels (SMS, web interactions, emails, social media, whatsApp) are integrated into the same interface.

Properly assess the needs and challenges of SMEs and large companies

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated technological change in contact centers and transformed the world of work. In order to meet the new requirements, contact center managers should evaluate the possibility of migrating their contact center to the cloud. In order to do so, it is important to properly assess the needs and challenges that businesses face. Oxilio’s team can help IT directors and call center managers analyze it all.

Whether you work in a small business or a large enterprise, contact our experts who will help you choose a CCaaS solution that meets your needs!

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